Monday, January 28, 2008

Baby steps!

I can't say he is walking yet, but Ethan took his first step last night. It was heavily coerced - I led him using a valentine's day mini-bucket that he finds most appealing. Step, step, face plant. I don't think he even noticed that he was walking, he was focused only on getting that bucket. The cats don't have any idea what they're in for.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Another race down!

My second race after my full return to running was a success. The park in which it is run is very hilly. My pace was a full minute per mile faster than last month's race, which was run on the same course, albeit with more side loops. I was that much faster even though the race was nearly twice as long!

As you can see by the photos, some of us were more excited than others to be out there in the cold.

Monday, January 14, 2008

What Have I Done?!?!

This message is generated as confirmation of your recent registration on You have been successfully registered for the following:

Registration: 2009 WALT DISNEY WORLD Marathon

Purchase Date: 01/14/08
Category: WALT DISNEY WORLD Marathon
Event Date: 01/11/09

I am suddenly incredibly nervous about being able to run this far. Its all mental, right?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Photo of the Day

I now present my father-in-law.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

You can take a day off from running, but

you can't take a day off from being a mom.

Ethan is feeling somewhat better, although he is still feverish, coughing and snotty. He has at least spent some time awake and has had some smiles and giggles for me. Being sick has made him extra clingy.

Last night, after I put him to bed I had planned on running. My own sickness has been getting worse, and I found that I was eagerly awaiting finishing my run so I could take meds that would make me drowsy. I realized that I was being silly - if I was sick enough that I was looking forward to medicine the way that I am usually looking forward to dessert, then I was sick enough to take the night off. I took the meds and went to bed.

It was not destined to be a restful night. He was up every 2 hours, screaming. Most of the time was spent downstairs on the couch with Derek. At 4:30, I gave up on sleeping, and strapped him into the stroller for a 4.5 miler. He fell asleep within 2 minutes and snoozed the whole time.

I am desperately hoping that he remembers how to sleep again tonight.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

RIP Todd the iPod.

Todd is nearly 4 years old. He has just about outlived his useful life. His scroll wheel is screwed up. The forward button doesn't work, so I can't skip songs. more importantly, I can't turn him off, which means that unless he is charging, he plays until his battery dies. This works fine here at work, but is utterly useless for running.

Today I am ordering a new Nano. Derek is doing the shopping for me because I hate doing it and he loves it. I have already picked out a new case that functions as a water resistant protector thingie, weather resistant running armband, and a belt clip, although I don't see me needing that particular function. Excluding shoes, this should complete my gadget needs for marathon training.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Welcome Rosabella!!

Ethan met his new cousin Rosabella for the first time over the weekend. She has been home from Guatemala for a couple of weeks now and is adjusting beautifully. She is a happy, gregarious little girl. Aside from being adopted, Ethan and Rosabella share many interests, including chasing cats, licking things and pooping in their pants. It was wonderful to finally see them together!