We're heading out in a couple hours to see the in-laws in North Carolina. A 10-12 hour car ride with a 17 month old is always fun. My main entertainment tool is the "Box O' Surprises" which is actually an old wipes container that I fill with various toys. He pulls them out and throws them on the floor, I pick them up and put them back in the box, then he throws them out again. It keeps him entertained. Oddly enough, one of his favorite "toys" in the box is a rock that we picked up in July when we vacationed in Michigan.
I never run when I am out of town. I usually bring my gear and then feel bad about not running, but this time I am sparing myself the guilt and fully planning to not run. It is all in the training plan. I started in early with the 12 milers so that I can comfortably skip a long run, come back with a 12 miler and then do my very first ever 14 miler the following week.
I can't believe I am still actually excited about this!
I never run when I am out of town. I usually bring my gear and then feel bad about not running, but this time I am sparing myself the guilt and fully planning to not run. It is all in the training plan. I started in early with the 12 milers so that I can comfortably skip a long run, come back with a 12 miler and then do my very first ever 14 miler the following week.
I can't believe I am still actually excited about this!