I didn't wake up this morning to run. I think that right now 3-4 times a week is all I am going to strive for. I am comfortable with that - as long as I can maintain my fitness, I am not looking to gain any ground. I would much rather concentrate on being with my family and my overall health and happiness, which includes getting a full night's sleep. I take lovely lunchtime walks on the days that I don't run, so I am still getting out there and moving my body...

I miss my little man today. Last night was the third night ever that I missed tucking him in. It has been our agreement from the beginning that if Derek gets to be the stay-at-home parent, I have exclusive rights to the "night-night bottle" and the bedtime ritual. Today will be better - I won't be home but I'll at least have Ethan with me. It is always fun to show him off to new people. He is such a ham!
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