I love this picture. We call it the "what you talking 'bout, Willis" face. We notice it more in photos than we do in real life, but he sure is adorable when he is annoyed.
I get exclusive baby rights this week. Derek is working every evening through thursday, so Ethan and I are going to be hanging out by ourselves this week. We have exciting plans such as taking a trip to Petsmart and switching out his clothes for larger ones. Sounds thrilling, doesn't it?
This week should be the first time I have topped 15 mpw since Ethan was born. I am back running 5 milers instead of 3 milers, which makes it so much easier to get the miles in. I am still having trouble getting out there on weekends, but that will come sooner or later. There are even a couple of races on the horizon that I am eyeing...
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