Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Shoes!

I am now the proud owner of a new pair of running shoes. As a bonus, my style has been updated, the colors changed, and now my feet appear to be adorned in creamsicles. I am sure that will be helpful with my blood sugar issues.

The first run in the new kicks felt good, but for the first time ever, my right arch was twingey - it felt like it was being overstretched. I am going to try one more run tomorrow in them and tighten the laces better in the middle for greater support there, but if it still feels funny I may have to return them and get another style.

I love Pearl Izumis - they have been my shoe of choice for 2 years now. They are more supportive than many others that I have tried, yet they're not heavy. I feared I was still pronating more than they could correct, but the cute little college boy said my old shoes showed a very normal wear pattern. Here's to ne next 450 miles!

1 comment:

katie said...

I love the cute little college boys! One just sold me my Macbook and I just felt like gushing.

Congrats on the new shoes! Keep your eye on that right arch. It is so much better to be safe than sorry.

Happy Running!