Monday, September 8, 2008

Wet your whistle

The water crisis of 2 weeks ago was averted for this last long run. Instead of leaving from the house and going out and back, I hopped in the car and parked at my "out" point, did a water and potty stop at my house and finished my run at the car. This worked MUCH better than when I had to get the fill up from early morning car wash guy. I was a wee bit tired and twingey, but I attribute that to being off over Labor Day weekend.

This weekend is my first 14 miler ever. I am a little nervous, but confident that it will be fine. To date, the farthest I have ever run is 13.1 miles. I am making sure to plan ahead - smart food and naptime so I don't just gobble up any progress that I make. Running would go much more smoothly if I shed 15-20 lbs. Woe is me, right?

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