Friday, June 12, 2009

Running with a dog

This whole streaking thing is made far, far easier by the fact that I now run with Maisy. She loves to get outside and go. Her tail curls onto her back and her ears flop up and down with each step. If I didn't hear her rustling around with excitement in her crate each morning when she hears the alarm, I would have far less incentive to get up and get the deed done. I am grateful to have such an enthusiastic, if smelly, running partner.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I am now 15 days into a planned running streak of at least 30 days. It is great fun, really. RunningAhead, where I track my miles, has a little widget on the tracking page that displays in a very large font the number of days in the current streak. I really like not having to wonder if today is going to be a running day or not. Even with the craziness of this week's schedule, getting in mini runs has been pretty easy.

My secret hope is that I am able to continue this streak at least through my training for the Monumental Marathon on November 7, 2009. So far, it keeps me loose, seems to really help my running times (except in the ridiculous heat) and maintains my motivation.

Maisy approves of this message.

Friday, April 24, 2009