Friday, July 27, 2007

So how do you decide?

Stay in the great house in the great neighborhood or move to the ok house on the amazing parcel of land?

The 'burbs or the rural area?

Deal with the hassle of moving or stay where we're settled?

Spend $$ on fixing up the new-to-us old house or on the higher mortgage of the old-to-us newer house?

What suits us better? Quirky character or trendy newness?

There are a lot of unknowns and a lot of variables. I think we are going to leave it up to fate - if it happens, we'll be off on a new, semi-scary adventure, if it doesn't, we'll still be content. Either way, we can't lose.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Cereal Adventure

Solid foods already! I can't believe how grown up he is. Here is Ethan's first adventure into eating like a big boy, complete with totally dorky "mommentary".

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Infertility and Adoption

Before we adopted Ethan, I put a lot of effort into thinking and worrying about our infertility journey. It was always out there - something that made up a big part of who I was. An unaccomplished goal combined with a desperate fear that I wouldn't be able to carry/give birth to/breastfeed a child. Now that Ethan is ours and real and tangible, it is so completely different. I don't pine for those things that I spent so much time and energy wishing for. I really don't feel like I missed out, perhaps because I was able to closely observe so many pregnancies through other people. Instead, I am glad for the time I spent waiting and wanting because it has made the *now* seem so much better. I am glad that we had the trouble we did - if we hadn't, I wouldn't have Ethan, and he is as much mine as any child that I would have given birth to. Our agency has a saying that "you will get the child you were meant to raise". When we were in the pre-adoption classes, I dismissed it as hokey, but now I believe it with all my heart.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I officially sent in the form to register for my first race as a mom. It is a short one - just 4 miles, but it will be the first time that I can come through the chute and see little man and Derek waiting for me. As a bonus, it gets us free tix to the baseball game afterward, so we can stay and have some good, family-friendly fun. My smell after a race, however, is less than family-friendly, so I'll have to make sure there is time to go home and shower in between. I'd hate for the mascot guy in the furry bat suit to pass out before we can get his pic with Ethan.

Friday, July 13, 2007

There is nothing in the world cuter than a baby in a hat. Specifically, this baby and this hat.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I had talked to several people over the last few weeks about bringing more diversity into our lives. Adopting a child of color has really made it clear to me how monochromatic our lives are. Our closest friends, family, and church folks are primarily white. Our neighborhood is pretty diverse, but in general, people stick to themselves. We know a number of transracially adopted children with African-American heritage, but don't have any AA adults in our daily lives to serve as role models or simply to provide Ethan with a better idea of what it means to be brown-skinned in our area.

At my mother's suggestion, I talked to Billie Sue at the 4th of July parade. As a woman active in the larger community and more specifically, the African American community, I thought she would be a good starting point to help us as a family become involved and serve the community along side a more diverse group of people. Instead of recommending organizations or causes, however, she offered something even better. She invited us to become a part of her extended family and to join them at family gatherings. So now Ethan has a new "Granny" and we have a new path to expand our social group and meet more young families who can better help Ethan have a better understanding of the culture behind his African American heritage. How cool is that?!?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A great run

Sometimes when I run, it feels completely effortless. I spring out of bed in the morning, get out the door in no time, and leap through the miles, bounding with energy. Other times, it is hard. I want to reset the alarm and sleep in, but I don't. I want to sit and read instead of lacing up, but I force myself to get out the door. I want to stop because it is hot, I am tired and my legs are heavy, but somehow I manage to force myself to keep going.

This morning's run was one of the latter kind. It was muggy, I was tired, there was lightning in the distance, and my legs felt like they had small children clinging to them. Despite this, I finished the route. Another 5.25 miles is permanently on my running log. Finishing up, I was feeling relieved that I had finally completed a bad run. I realized, though, that this couldn't have been a bad run. Despite having numerous reasons to turn back and go home, I kept going. I had the resolve to complete what I had started despite the obstacles. I think that qualifies it for the status of a great run.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Nature's Bounty

I am having ratatouille for lunch today. Everything in it, with the exception of the garlic and the eggplant (bought at the local farmers' market) was grown in my garden. Every time I think about it, I marvel at the fact that these little seeds, the dirt in our backyard and some water every now and then, has yielded something that is this tasty and fulfilling. I feel very connected to the earth when I eat from the garden. That whole circle of life thing is pretty groovy.

Monday, July 9, 2007

I love this picture. We call it the "what you talking 'bout, Willis" face. We notice it more in photos than we do in real life, but he sure is adorable when he is annoyed.

I get exclusive baby rights this week. Derek is working every evening through thursday, so Ethan and I are going to be hanging out by ourselves this week. We have exciting plans such as taking a trip to Petsmart and switching out his clothes for larger ones. Sounds thrilling, doesn't it?

This week should be the first time I have topped 15 mpw since Ethan was born. I am back running 5 milers instead of 3 milers, which makes it so much easier to get the miles in. I am still having trouble getting out there on weekends, but that will come sooner or later. There are even a couple of races on the horizon that I am eyeing...

Friday, July 6, 2007

Derek and I really have a great arrangement. I feel very comfortable with him being home with Ethan during the day. He is a really great dad and they have a lot of fun together. It is cute to see their relationship evolve as Ethan becomes more aware of his surroundings and increasingly interactive with us.

Ethan is sleeping from 9:00 at night to 5 or 6 in the morning now. Typically, he'll take a bottle and go back to sleep at that time. I use that to my advantage - the extra commotion in the house provides an added incentive for me to get out of bed a little earlier for my run. I have gone back to running 5 miles at a time since that gives me a little more bang for my buck than the 3.5 mile course offers.