Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I think we're planning a vacation in September. Derek and I are big fans of travel and have gone lots of places together, but other than a trip to Ohio last month, and one to eastern KY in May, (which don't really count because they were to see family and there were no overnight stays)we haven't gone any substantial trips since Ethan was born. As a matter of fact, the last time we stayed in a hotel was at the hospital when he was born.

So I've got the itch but don't know what sounds appealing. Anywhere we want to go is going to require a fair amount of driving, and with little man is going to take longer than it used to. We're going to have to do some research to see what is within a reasonable distance.


Renee said...

You could vacation to a nice race, perhaps?
You made me snort just now, by the way. The poor girl. No wonder she spit at me!

AuntJenny said...

Ooo - hadn't thought about a racing trip. That would be good training motivation for sure!