Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I decided to move my stuff over here from the MSN for a couple of reasons. These seem a little less cumbersome (the other spot took FOREVER to post), and I want to be able to more easily link to and comment on other blogs.

I have been in a running funk ever since we found out that we had been chosen to be Ethan's parents. I think a lot of it was just the anticipation of and subsequent adjustment to being a new parent. Now, I blame the fact that I simply got out of the habit, my rekindled caffeine addiction, and pure early morning laziness.

This morning, with the help of some wonderful words of inspiration and wisdom from the VB runners, I got out there again. I admit, I bribed myself with coffee and the promise of a leisurely lunch hour spent reading. It worked. I ran. It was wonderful.

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